About human bio

Human Rights at Human Bio-Organics

Human Bio-Organics seeks to advance human rights by leading an example through its interactions with customers and suppliers, the products it offers, and its relationships with communities and government. Our Statement of Principles on Human Rights has been guided by the input we received from global standards and we are compliant to leaders, policy owners and others. The results represent our firm commitment to advancing human rights processes within the company both not only at present but also over the coming years.


Our Commitment

We, as a business enterprise, promote the advancement of fundamental human rights. We support the principles contained in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Mindful that it is primarily addressed to nations but understanding that business has an important role to play.

Our Actions

We endeavor to fulfill this commitment in part by leading examples — influencing our employees and business partners through actions consistent with policies contained in the Spirit & the letter. We support our commitment by In Our Management Capacity.


The human rights of our employees as established in terms of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, including non-discrimination, the prohibition against child and forced labor, freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining.


Security consistent with the intent of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, as well as the laws of the countries in which we operate, retaining security norms for preventative or defensive purposes with instructions to use force only when necessary and to an extent proportional to the threat.